Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mother and Child Tracking System

             It was energetic starting to entry data on Mother and Child Tracking System. Now it has two year  over to do the data entry at mother and child tracking system. Presently we felt devastating in this M.C.T.S job, both in mind and physically. Physically we get problem like eye irritating, shoulder pain, spine pain and the other hand concentration problem, irritating mind etc. due to these problem, work productivity with work satisfaction become lower, other data entry program getting problem.

         In this situation some may suggest that leave this contractual service or may need to increase remuneration or you may got fired from your job. But those are not solution for the problem to solve practically. Need to think logically on this problem and the side effect of nonstop continuous data entry of mother and child tracking system. If I or we leave this task and the job does any other person or group may also face the same problem after little time and target of the tracking system may interrupt. This problem persists due to deficit of man power in connection to the present workload. Wherever a large block which have more than fifty five sub center they face the problem very much. If anyone does survey will get more information about the present work situation.

         So, what is the solution may we get, just decentralized data entry system of particularly mother and child tracking system to Gram Panchayet Level. Presently in many Gram Panchayet offices have Common Service Center or Sahaj Tathya Mitra Kendra, they can do the tracking system entry on GP wise regularly. This is not only run the work smoothly of tracking system but also increase productivity of work of both the Multipurpose Worker (male and female) and data entry worker.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rajasthan to make NRHM posts permanent

 April 20, 2012
The Rajasthan Government will create 21,000 permanent posts under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in lieu of the contractual posts for continuity of the staff and to provide quality health care.

Medical & Health Minister A. A. Khan said in the State Assembly on Thursday that an announcement in this regard had been made in the 2012-13 Budget. Rajasthan has been identified as a high-focused State under the NRHM, he said.

Mr. Khan said the manpower deployed under the NRHM, which is proposed to be continued during the 12th Five Year Plan period, has made a “tremendous impact” in improving the health care scenario in the remote and inaccessible areas in the State.
“Given the [high] attrition rate among the NRHM contractual staff, there is an immediate need for staff regularisation, in which the entry-level educational qualification and experience would be equivalent to similar positions in the State Government,” said the Minister.

The State Government has proposed to the Union Health & Family Welfare Ministry that the sharing of burden of salaries of permanent posts between the Centre and the State would be in the ratio of 85:15 as mandated under the programme. In the event of NRHM's termination, the entire burden of salaries will be taken over by the State Government.

Replying to the question by Congress MLA Govind Singh Dotasara, Mr. Khan said as many as 1,138 physicians of the Indian systems of medicine and 97 allopathic doctors had been appointed on contract in the rural areas under the NRHM. These medicos are providing quality health care to the villagers, he added.

Rajasthan to make NRHM posts permanent- the site from which its taken

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Need A Vast Publicity For Various Health Scheme

Presently we experiencing the advertisement of Digitization of Cable TV service in Major Metro city in the country. Every half an hour we can see the Ad in the TV channel. In this same way if every channel can spread the programme or advertise any topic of Health Scheme which beneficial to Health service seeker there may increases the awareness and consciousness.

Information need to go every person through any type of media like, News paper, Television, Short Wave, Medium Wave, FM Radio, Hoarding, frequently miking, handbill hugely. It can be said about the Health Insurance facility for organized or non-organized people, generic medicine.

Health Sector May Improve Better Then Present Scenario

There has been trying to improve the condition of Health Service to these service seekers. More Then a decade various health projects have introduced to do the best situation of Health Service in India. Health Service may change some area but not overall. IMR and MMR may decreases then previous year. Polio may sign out from this country. But there are need to develop maximum in others basic area of health service, like low cost medicine, low cost treatment in hospital, low cost medical test in clinic, better medical Insurance facility for everybody, minimum sympathy from health personal who provide health service to any type patient is the patient rich or poor, fast service to patient.

This sector may be better then now if the health personal changed his mind sets, practically now a days so many patients have experienced improper cooperation from the health service provider in Govt. sector, like irritated word, costly test to do in particular clinic suggestion, branded medicine to buy from particulars’ store etc,

If we need to get better health service so that change have to be made in the said area of Govt. similarly in Pvt. sector also.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Store your important Documents in Web storage

Friends online storage is available from various web services. You not need to carry USB storage in your pocket every time, just upload your important documents like your biodata, scaned documents on google docs site or hotmail skydrive freely. Where ever you go just login to your google Docs account with your gmail account or Hotmail account to use online storage. Google Docs support Microsoft Office format and its own format also, you can modify, download or upload or add any office format file to Google Docs. And in Hotmail Skydrive account you need to have Hotmail email account to store MS OFFICE file to upload or downlaod, where you can modify also.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Virtual Machine - Computer

            Suppose you have windows or Linux operating system in your computer, now you wish to experience the other any operating system in your machine without any trouble or effect with present OS, So what you have to do, just download Vmware Player software with simple registration (free) or virtual box software and install it within your present OS, next within the virtual box or vmware player install the desired OS without hesitation. 

          It will not effect your work or present OS, through this way you can run multiple Operating System inside the present OS. Experience the Virtual Machine. You can work in multiple OS simultaneously without problem.