Medical & Health Minister A. A. Khan said in the State Assembly on Thursday that an announcement in this regard had been made in the 2012-13 Budget. Rajasthan has been identified as a high-focused State under the NRHM, he said.
Mr. Khan said the manpower deployed under the NRHM, which is proposed to be continued during the 12th Five Year Plan period, has made a “tremendous impact” in improving the health care scenario in the remote and inaccessible areas in the State.
“Given the [high] attrition rate among the NRHM contractual staff, there is an immediate need for staff regularisation, in which the entry-level educational qualification and experience would be equivalent to similar positions in the State Government,” said the Minister.
The State Government has proposed to the Union Health & Family Welfare Ministry that the sharing of burden of salaries of permanent posts between the Centre and the State would be in the ratio of 85:15 as mandated under the programme. In the event of NRHM's termination, the entire burden of salaries will be taken over by the State Government.
Replying to the question by Congress MLA Govind Singh Dotasara, Mr. Khan said as many as 1,138 physicians of the Indian systems of medicine and 97 allopathic doctors had been appointed on contract in the rural areas under the NRHM. These medicos are providing quality health care to the villagers, he added.
Rajasthan to make NRHM posts permanent- the site from which its taken