Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mother and Child Tracking System

             It was energetic starting to entry data on Mother and Child Tracking System. Now it has two year  over to do the data entry at mother and child tracking system. Presently we felt devastating in this M.C.T.S job, both in mind and physically. Physically we get problem like eye irritating, shoulder pain, spine pain and the other hand concentration problem, irritating mind etc. due to these problem, work productivity with work satisfaction become lower, other data entry program getting problem.

         In this situation some may suggest that leave this contractual service or may need to increase remuneration or you may got fired from your job. But those are not solution for the problem to solve practically. Need to think logically on this problem and the side effect of nonstop continuous data entry of mother and child tracking system. If I or we leave this task and the job does any other person or group may also face the same problem after little time and target of the tracking system may interrupt. This problem persists due to deficit of man power in connection to the present workload. Wherever a large block which have more than fifty five sub center they face the problem very much. If anyone does survey will get more information about the present work situation.

         So, what is the solution may we get, just decentralized data entry system of particularly mother and child tracking system to Gram Panchayet Level. Presently in many Gram Panchayet offices have Common Service Center or Sahaj Tathya Mitra Kendra, they can do the tracking system entry on GP wise regularly. This is not only run the work smoothly of tracking system but also increase productivity of work of both the Multipurpose Worker (male and female) and data entry worker.